Irasshaimase !

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Arigatou gozaimasu !

Watashi no Profile !
Sweet 16

Passion in singing ;

BoA San ! :)



. Forever Be happy
. Good Grade for N'LEVEL 2008
. Gambatte Nihongo !
. Get a good Job&Pay
. Travel the whole world
. Japanese Phone
. Sony Camera
. Wii


February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008

Please do not remove this. :]
Credits: HaeMin - Love

Friday, February 29, 2008
@ 8:17 PM

Hello !
Long time no post already !
I'm being busy-ing my blogshop thingy .
But it time to post today !
Beause .....
Tatatatata ! you got see the picture above ?
It's a diary from Korea .
I found it when i was browsing through the blogshop .
I'm so love it with this two design !
Tenshi Young girl Diary & Selly's Diary !
Both is nice .
Can't really what to choose ! =x
Tenshi Young Girl Diary :
352 Pages!
Size : 126x152 (mm)
It has a Checklist Page , Cash Plan Page , Weekly Plan and other Free Notes to write !
Cost $25 ! ( It still can lower the prices ! =P )
Selly's Diary :
272 Page !
Size : 110x150x15mm
It has a 20 full pages and you can jolt down your places of interest and 24 pages specially delicated to Photo and Ticket !
It can keep your neoprints , ticket & photo !
Ask the seller already , the seller say that must wait for 10books order for one particular design ==
Gosh , then I have to wait super duper long !
If I like the design that NOBODY like , FAINT*
Nvm , I think it worth the wait . =]
Okay , I know I everytime say VERY NICE .
But It really VERY NICE and I can't denied it .

Anyone who intrested in Diary , Please go to
It still have other design !
It worth it to waste your time looking there ! =D hah .

Wednesday, February 20, 2008
@ 2:30 PM
You know why I look at you all talking ?
Cause I damn envy you all .
You know why ?
Everytime when I see you all talking happily ,
And I look at you all thinking that if I join the talk with you all and what will it happen .
Is it happy than just now ? Or is it the happiness is ruin by me .
But I'm sure that it will ruin by me .
Cause I already obvious quite a while .
When you all talking happily , If I join it ,
The happiness is more lower than before I join it .
True right ?
I interupt while you are talking is because my character is like that .
I will just say out something suddenly ,
But I already try not to interupt while you all talking .
Or even try not to talk to you all , so that it won't happen .
I'm didn't talk to you all is because I SCARE THAT I DID THE WRONG THING AGAIN .
I now getting fear of talking to you all , cause I SCARE THAT I WILL INTERUPT YOU ALL AGAIN.
AH , Can you tell me how I gonna talk to you all and will not get any interupt ?
I really don't know .
And you say Joanna nvr said me bad things before ,
I won't mind , If got or never .
It a past already .
And , if you didn't call me out because I didn't change ,
Then let it be bahs .
It's okay with it .
When you call me out one day ,
And I will know I already change .
But if never call me out one day ,
I know i still never change .
I will hope that you will call me out one day ,
And i will know that I have change .
You know why I so care about this ?
Because I cherish the friendship with you all ,
If I didnt cherish , What for I change to let you see ?
I want to tell you that I really cherish the friendship with you all .
I don't know whether you all cherish too .

@ 2:49 AM
I really don't know why you say I didn't change ,
If I really didn't change , then tell me personally .
I will try to change .
You keep it to yourself , and how I know I got change anot ?
I know how many chance you given me , I had try already !
But you keep saying I change back like last time ,
Then , I have no choice , I already try to change to let you see ler .
But you say never .
And , I never jealous of you and Joanna friendship .
Why for I jealous ?
I even don't have the thought of it .
I really don't have the thought of break you and her friendship .
Why for I break ?
I know that last time she say those bad thing about me ,
Ya , she is right , Cause I done bad thing before,
And she got the right to say .
I just listen it as a advice ,
You think that I revenge because of this ?
NO ! I just forget it what she had said before .
All she say is right , Cause I REALLY DO BAD THINGS BEFORE .
She have the right to say me .
I don't know what she tell you about me ,
Maybe she is right , if you think she right ,
Then let it be bahs ,
Whatever I say , you won't believe .
I really don't know why you say that .
Can tell me why you say that ? Maybe my action make you think like that .
BUT , I really don't have .

Monday, February 18, 2008
@ 12:42 AM
大 家 好 !
今 天 又 开 学 了 !
好 累 哦 。 。 。
可 是 今 天 没 上 课 =]
去 了 一 个 workshop 的 节 目 。
那 个 老 师 好 好 笑 喔 ! ^^
明 天 还 有 呢 。
看 到 你 写 的 东 西 , 就 知 道 你 在 说 我 ,
不 管 你 是 写 我 还 是 别 人 , 我 还 是 要 跟 你 说 : 我 没 有 看 不 起 你 !
我 真 的 真 的 没 有 !
如 果 你 还 是 不 相 信 的 话 , 那 我 就 没 办 法 了 。
难 到 你 要 我 去 死 你 才 相 信 吗 ?
我 真 的 会 去 死 的 !
我 也 知 道你 们 出 去 也 没 有 叫 我 。
我 承 认 我 是 有 一 点 生 气 , 因 为 我 算 是 你 们 的close 朋 友 , 因 该 是 要 一 起 出去玩 的 。
不 过 我 已 尽 不 再 乎 了 ,
就 算 我 再 乎 , 你 们 还 会 叫 我 出 去 吗 ?
我 知 道 你 们 看 到 这 些 , 你 们 一 定 会 在 讲 我 的 。
可 是 不 用 尽 , 我 只 是 要 你 们 知 道 我 的 心 情 是 什 么 。
我 懂 你 们 的 心 情 , 所 以 我 要 变 给 你 们 看 !
我 已 尽 在 变 给 你 们 看 了 ,
我 很 希 望 你 们 看 到 和 感 觉 得 到 !

Saturday, February 16, 2008
@ 7:31 PM
Hello !
I said that I want to buy a camera right ?
What to buy ?
I survey already .
How about Sony Cyber-Shot DSC- T2 ?
It has 8.1MEGAPIXEL .
& 4GB of memory .
Here is the photo !
I know I can't take picture until so many .
But I like the design !
I like the pink&blue !
I have aim this camera for so long .
And it also have touch screen function .
You can edit the photo by your ownhand !
Should I buy ?
My birthday coming , and I wanna tell my parent buy for me !
Hah .
Maybe they help me pay half of it .
And that will be fair ? hoho .
How I wish I can have that camera ! =[

@ 1:45 AM
This is the photo that I zilian-ing at my cousin hse ,
Anddd using their digital camera !
How I wish I have one ,
My birthday is coming ! =D

Hello ! I'm Back ! =D
I say that I going to take the bag from the seller just now right ?
So here it is !

Front View
Back View
It menet clip .

Does it suit me ?
It fit me so nicely , HAHAHA =p

So here is the photo of the bag that i took ,
It really totally the same as the pic .
Don't you think that the megapixiel so clear ?
Hoho , I using my cousin camera !
It damn clear & nice !
I already make my choice , I going to buy one camera for myself ! =]
I now at my ahma hse ,
Cause I take the bag from the seller at Yishun , and it near my ahma hse ,
And my parent not at home tonight .
How lonely I am luhs ? =x
And now I thinking how I going home . ==
My ahma hse is at Bukit Batok , me Hougang .
Oh Gosh ~

I'm off to dinner with my Aunties !
Bye !

Friday, February 15, 2008
@ 5:09 PM
おはよございます !
きれいてわありません .^^'

Okay , Let's stop writing Japanese .
I want to practice it as I long time never study for that .
I using 30mins to write this few sentences . ==
Gosh , I think I should practice more often . =]

Yesterday night the seller sms say the stock had arrived ,
Ask me want to meet today .
I will meeting her later to get my bag !
Hope it nice !
I have to go to Yishun myself ,
And maybe I go somewhere else for shopping ?
Or maybe go back home if I feel tired .

I will post the photo of my bag when i recieve it alright ! =3

It seem that what I do everything is wrong .

@ 3:09 AM
HELLO ! =]
I decided to use blogger bah ,
Sorry guys if you keep changing my url . =x

This few days , My mind damn moody
Just don't feel like talking ,
Because I know no one will answer me back . =[
Even Teacher ask me why I'm so sad .
My expression look like ?
Okay , I ownself also know it .
I wanna Thanks Jiaxin & Jermaine ,
Whenever I'm sad , they will just cheer me up ! =]
I feel so good when I talk to them .
My heart feel so relax after I talk to them .
OkayOkay , Let's drop this topic .

Let's say something happy ! =D
I just order 2 bags this week ,
I getting it next week !
WOOOSH , I one time shot go buy two bags ,
If my parent see it , sure nag till siao .

Here the photo !
Image Hosted by

I buying white colour of this design .
Image Hosted by

Pretty mah ? =3


あなたわたちきらいですか ?
如何して ?